House Information

<aside> 💡 Hello, Welcome to the “ House Information” template. The “Time Schedule” section would help you to manage your visiting plan by recording the property information.



1: Choose your visiting date, then click “+” to add a page

2: Copy and Paste the web link to the “Property web link”. It’s for reference.

3: Fill In the information you need to know. You can edit, delete or add any elements by clicking the element and choosing “edit property”,” delete property”, and “Add a property”.

4: In the “ Important Factors” element, you can edit, delete or add any factors you think are important to you to consider.

I hope you enjoy this template and buy your dream home with a very rational decision.

Good Luck!

$Time$ $Schedule$

By Important Factors

<aside> 💡 After you fill in the information in the “Time schedule” above, the "Important Factors Consideration Table" will automatically sort out the property listings that match each factor based on your selection of important factors for the houses. The more houses that meet your considerations, the more likely they are to be the ones that suit your preferences. The purpose of this table is to help you filter out the house quickly you want the most.


When you have analyzed the houses you want to see, please mark them with a checkmark in the "Shortlist", and they will be automatically added to the "Shortlist table".

Untitled Database


<aside> đź’ˇ In the "Shortlist," you can find the houses you want to inspect or apply for after viewing them physically. This table automatically organizes all the houses you are interested in, and you can select "Considering," "Applied," "Accpected," or "Rejected" under the "Status" element. This way, you can see at a glance which houses do not need further consideration and which require further follow-up. This allows you to understand the progress of your house search.


Untitled Database


Research Houses

Inspection For Open Home